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WebinarJam Review 2024: Elevate Your Webinars to Professional Heights

In this WebinarJam review we will fully answer 3 big questions: 

  1. How does the webinar funnel setup look like?
  2. How effective is the interactive offer feature?
  3. How is the pricing structured? 

WebinarJam is one of the top rated webinar hosting software available right now.

What makes it so great?

High quality video engine, diverse and easy-to-use engagement tools at an affordable price.

If you’re a marketer looking to try out webinars as a marketing channel for your B2B business, you’ve landed in the right place.

This WebinarJam review will give you an honest and comprehensive overview of what to expect from WebinarJam

This Webinar Jam review will cover the following (click to scoll): 

  • What are the key features
  • How does scheduling work?
  • How to build webinar funnels?
  • How does scheduling work?
  • How to use email reminders to maximize attendance?
  • How to engage your webinar attendees?
  • How reliable is the video quality?
  • How convenient are the presentation tools?
  • How will it look for mobile attendees?
  • How does the webinar follow-up work?
  • How can I use the webinar analytics?
  • How much does WebinarJam cost?

We’ll also cover why not hoose Webinarjam and what are some WebinarJam alternatives

In this Webinar Jam review we’ll go over the pro’s and cons. I’ll try to be as honest and transparent as possible. 

Key Features of WebinarJam

Many Webinar Jam review comments from the users nominate it as the best webinar software available on the market. 


Users love it for its diverse engagement tools, rich email marketing tools and reliable live presentation features

The webinar experience will feel like a natural extension to your website. It feels like a breeze to your attendees to happily hop into your webinar.

Here are some key features that made it stand out during this WebinarJam review:

  • HD video engine with crystal clear readability
  • Reliable tech and video connectivity
  • Dedicated „Always-On“ room – hop in and go live at any moment
  • Highly customizable webinar funnel pages and e-mail templates
  • 100% browser-based – Fully compatible with PC and Mac, as well as web browsers (Chrome, Safari, Edge, Firefox)
  • Reliable presentation tools – pre-uploaded slides and a nifty drawing tool
  • Pre-configured clickable product offers with optional countdown timer
  • Built-in A/B testing and webinar traffic analytics
  • One-click registrations to maximize attendees
  • Automatic recordings (video + engagements that happened live)
  • Up to 6 presenters – Opportunity for a panel discussion webinar
  • SMS reminders for webinar registrants
  • Registration fee and/or password protection functionality
  • Attendee Spotlight – pick any attendee to join as a presenter
  • In case of a tech issue – „Panic button“ to insta-boot a new room and automatically transfer all attendees (takes 15 seconds)

See all WebinarJam features

Webinar Scheduling – Once or Recurring

When you first create a webinar in the „New webinar“ tab, you’ll have 2 options:

  • Express configuration – Easiest way to set up your webinar fast. Shows only the essential options. Takes less than 1 minute to set up.
  • Full configuration – All the configuration options are shown. Use this when you need to customize. This would take around 10 minutes.

With the full configuration, you can customize and personalize every step of your webinar funnel. 

Choose the date, time and timezone of your webinar. However, the attendees will always see a countdown timer according to their timezone. 

For experienced marketers, there’s an option to schedule weekly recurring webinars: 

WebinarJam recurring webinar scheduling
WebinarJam recurring webinar scheduling

Your attendees can opt to auto-subscribe to the entire webinar series. 

Unfortunately, you can only host live webinar sessions

This is the #1 downside from this whole WebinarJam review, in my opinion. 

For automated webinars, you’ll have to get the EverWebinar

Broadcast Directly to YouTube Live

By default you’ll be hosting your webinar on-site, right there on WebinarJam. 

However, there’s an option to broadcast your webinar to your YouTube channel instead.

Once the webinar starts, YouTube Live also starts and all your YouTube followers get a notification and they can swiftly jump into your webinar.

That’s a smart way to leverage your YouTube audience and maximize your webinar reach.

To enable YouTube Live through WebinarJam, you must first enable Live broadcasting on your YouTube channel, if you haven’t already.

Go to and enable “Live streaming” and “Embed live streams”.

Then you can connect your YouTube account in WebinarJam setup. YouTube Live webinars is a feature I’ve discovered only during the WebinarJam review. To my knowledge, no other webinar software allows this. 

Webinar Funnel Setup & Landing Page

This is where you can explain what the webinar is about, the agenda and what your attendees should expect when they sign up.

Show them what they will gain when they attend. Get them excited about learning.

The goal here is to get as many sign-ups as possible.

WebinarJam Landing Page templates are very customizable and the editor is easy to use. Within each template you can:

  • Add images and videos
  • Add your own logos and banners
  • Customize the registration button
  • Change colors, font styles and sizes
  • Add shortcodes to webinar title, description, etc

It literally takes 3 minutes to create a webinar landing page like this: 

WebinarJam landing page email tempate
WebinarJam landing page email tempate

There are tons of Webinar Landing Page templates you can customize.

Some have video embedding options.

Another unique feature marketers will love – Landing Page A/B testing:

WebinarJam landing page ab testing
WebinarJam landing page ab testing

Basically, you can customize 2 templates and track which one converts sign-ups better.

I made one with a video, the other one without. 

This Webinar Landign Page A/B testing is a unique feature I’ve only come across during this WebinarJam review. 

It’s a smart feature that gives tons of insights to increase registrations. 

Webinar Registration

There are 2 ways people can find your webinar Landing Page:

1. Send them the direct link to Webinar Landing Page

This is the easiest way.

WebinarJam will generate a link that you can send to your e-mail list or promote on Social Media.

You can customize the link a little bit. 

2. Embed the registration button to your website

This is a great option, because you can directly promote your webinar on your website.

WebinarJam generates a JavaScript snippet which you can embed onto your page.

If you’re using WordPress, you can use the Header Footer plugin to embed the JavaScript code snippet. 

You can customize the registration form as well. One downside – the register form fields are quite fixed, there’s only option to add:

  • First name
  • Last name
  • E-mail
  • Phone number

Unfortunately, you can’t add any custom questions. 

That’s one of the downsides from the WebinarJam review, in my opinion. 

When the attendees click on the Register button, they’ll have to fill in the form you designed. 

If you’re creating a private webinar, you can turn on password protection, which will be added to the registration form.

E-mail Reminders and Audience Segmenting

Here’s the part where you can customize your webimar e-mails: 

  • Welcome message – sent immediately after signing up for the webinar
  • Pre-webinar reminder – sent x hours before the webinar (e.g 24h before)
  • Last minute reminder – sent 15 minutes before the webinar starts
  • Post webinar message – sent x hours after the webinar (e.g 2h after). This usually includes the webinar recording

You can even schedule SMS reminders for each of those messages.

Here’s another thing I really liked when I was doing the WebinarJam review. 

Sky is the limit for customizing your e-mail communication. You can segment your attendees based on their behavior and send custom emails to each segment:

  • All registrants
  • Only those who attended
  • Only those who didn’t attend
  • Only those who attended and ordered the product
  • Only those who attended and didn’t order the product
  • Only those who attended, but left before HH:MM:SS (specific time)
  • Only those who attended, stayed until HH:MM:SS, but didn’t order the product
WebinarJam email scheduling
WebinarJam email scheduling

If you used a free e-mail account to sign up (e.g. Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, etc), the webinar reminder e-mails will be sent from [email protected].

These standard e-mail notifications usually get the job done. However, if you want to send out customized e-mails, you can use WebinarJam integrations.

To send e-mail from your company e-mail address, you need to change it in Webinar Presenter settings at the beginning of the setup.

If you have your branded e-mail templates in MailChimp or GetResponse, use WebinarJam integrations to send e-mails out from there. WebinarJam offers integrations with these platforms: 

  • Kartra
  • AWeber
  • ActiveCampaign
  • InfusionSoft
  • iContact
  • Ontraport
  • GetResponse
  • MailChimp
  • ConvertKit
  • Drip
  • ConstantContact
  • Maropost

If none of those fit, you can use built-in Zapier integration to integrate with the e-mail marketing platform.

You can add even more e-mail triggers when you use Zapier to integrate Gmail + WebinarJam. 

Thank You Page After Sign Up

After signing up for the webinar, your registrants will see a thank you page.

The thank you page would automatically include information like:

  • Success message
  • Webinar topic & host name
  • Date and time of the webinar & add-to-calendar link
  • Unique webinar link for joining (can bookmark)
  • Custom text to get your registrants excited
  • Optional: Teaser video

You can customize the Thank You page template, much like the Landing Page. 

Here are some examples of WebinarJam Thank You page templates you can choose from.

Another great feature is the ability to survey everyone who registered.

That feature is useful if you want to really personalize the webinar and ask what your signups are expecting.

You could also run a quick survey on your Thank You page. This gives you very personalized material about your attendees, which you can discuss during the webinar itself.

Use it to your advantage. After registering for the webinar, they will have the option to fill out the survey. 

Live Webinar Room – Your Own Design

The webinar hasn’t started yet.

There’s still a few minutes left…

Some excited attendees are already waiting.

They’ll see a countdown timer to relieve their anxiousness. 

It would be really smooth if the webinar room design matches your website design colors.

These little things make it feel professional.

Time’s up! You’re live. Here’s how the live interface looks like. 

WebinarJam live webinar room
WebinarJam live webinar room

Luckily, WebinarJam has many room designs you can choose from. For example:

Next, when you set up your live webinar, you can pre-configure some engagement tools.

Pre-configured Polls

When setting up your webinar, you can set up the polls you want to show during your webinar.

This helps you focus on the webinar content and launch the pre-configured webinar poll on-demand, exactly at the right time.

This way you can create a really smooth transition to the poll and direct the audience’s attention to it at the right time.

After the poll, you’ll have the option to share the results with your audience.

Offering to share the poll results could make your attendees more willing to participate in the poll.

Poll results could be a very powerful live webinar tool to prove and emphasize some points about the  message you’re trying to convey.

Webinar Product Offer – Make it Look Attractive

The Pre-Configured Active Offers is a masterful marketing tool – one of my favorite feature from this whole Webinar Jam reivew. 

Live webinar offers can also be configured during webinar setup.

WebinarJam pre-configuring product offer
Host view: Pre-configuring a product offer

So when you’re actually running your live webinar, you can just press the „Launch offer“ button and your offer immediately appears to the audience.

When you launch your offer, it will appear to the right hand side.

Even to the attendees who are viewing in full screen mode, will definitely see it.

The whole right hand side would be full of the offer featuring an attractive product image.

These features make your offer irresistible & impossible to miss.

WebinarJam product offer as attendee
WebinarJam: Seeing the product offer during the live webinar

To increase the urgency of your offer, you can even add a countdown timer.

To further add scarcity to your offer, you can add a dynamic „x units left“ counter to your offer.

You can add a call-to-action button to make the offer crystal clear.

You can show a notification to your entire audience when someone makes a purchase

This is a powerful sales tool to encourage others.

Crystal Clear Video & an Active FB Community

The video engine that runs the webcam video renders excellent quality. 

My webcam video showed crystal clear to the attendees. 

However, as I was configuring my audio settings during the Webinar Jam review, the webcam went dark for some reason. 

Also, there is a slight delay with the webcam when compared to the polls, for example. The is displayed early without any lag, while the webcam video & audio is delayed. 

For example, when I announce the poll or offer and click the “Launch poll” button, the audience will see the poll right away. Then 13-seconds later, they hear me announce the poll. 

The same thing happens with offers. 

The slides, webcam video & audio are perfectly synced, though. 

In my opinion, it’s a small sacrifice to pay for excellent video and transmission quality. 

Support is an important aspect I always try to review and the WebinarJam review is no different. 

The official support is okay. But what is more valuable is their thriving Official WebinarJam Facebook Community

It has 40,000+ members with daily posts about hosting, webinar marketing, some technical tips and people sharing their webinar hosting experiences. 

Truth be told, the customer support for WebinarJam is not as active as one would hope for. But understandably, since it’s one of the most popular webinar platform with tons of customers, the customer support can’t answer everyone in a timely manner. 

The “Panic! Button” Will Save You Anytime

Technical difficulties can happen.

And according to Murphy’s Law, they will happen during the most important presentations.

For these cases, there’s a „Panic! Button“. When pressed, it:

  1. Automatically generates a new webinar room
  2. Transfers your entire presentation screen and materials there
  3. Transfers all the webinar attendees there
  4. Everything is re-booted in 15 seconds

This can be a real lifesaver.

WJ panic button - reboot room
WebinarJam Host view: Pressing the Panic! button
WJ redirecting all attendees
WebinarJam Host view: Redirecting all attendees

Slides & Video Directly From the Platform

This is a clever feature.

If you want to play a separate video during your webinar, you can just insert a Youtube or Vimeo link when setting up the webinar.

During your live webinar you can just launch it exactly at the right time.

Having it uploaded to WebinarJam enables crystal clear video quality and no lag.

Playback would be using the WebinarJam video player to play it directly to your audience, instead of your screen sharing.

Similarly, you can also upload your slide deck (*.ppt, *.pptx, *.pdf or keynote presentation).

Same reason – a lot higher quality and no lag.

Some attendees will always have bad connections and they’re forced to switch to lower video quality during the webinar. Even then they can read any text on your slides.

WebinarJam slide presentation controls for host
WebinarJam Host view: Injected slideshow presentation controls during live webinar session

You can also pre-upload handout files, like PDFs or Excel sheets you’d like to share with your attendees during the webinar. 

All this helps to create a much smoother experience for your audience. 

The slide transitions is a cool feature I’ve only seen during the WebinarJam review. 

Q&A and Chat are Separated, but is it Clear?

On average, 92% of your webinar attendees will want a Q&A session during the webinar. 

So, this is an important feature.

WebinarJam has separated Q&A and just chat discussions, so they’re visually different.

As a host, this makes it easier to quickly find the questions and answer them

You don’t want to be scrolling through long chat discussions when you’re actually live. 

WebinarJam on Android and iPhone

Most webinar marketers who are reading this WebinarJam review are targeting B2B customers. 

According to Google, B2B workers spends 3 hours per day on their mobile devices

Smartphones are becoming an increasingly important tool for checking e-mail, attending meetings and even attending online webinars

When you’re running your webinar on WebinarJam, your attendees can easily join your webinar right from their Android or iPhones. 

When you launch a poll or an offer during your webinar, it will pop over the screen for the attendees. 

So, you’re in total control of what they see. 

WebinarJam on Android
WebinarJam on Android

To further engage your attendees on-the-go, you can configure SMS text message reminders to send out 15 minutes before the webinar starts. 

This will surely boost your webinar attendance rate. 

Give Your Attendees a Voice, Let Them Speak

Any attendee from the audience can request to be a temporary speaker in the webinar room.

The host will see these requests and will accept or deny these Speaker Requests.

Once accepted, the attendee has to follow a setup before he can enter the webinar as a speaker.

Once configured, the attendee will have webinar superpowers.

He will gain access to all the same control functionality as the host.

He can now share his screen and webcam to the entire audience. He can also start slide shows, injected videos, polls, offers, etc.

Funnily enough, the only thing a speaker can’t do is stop being the speaker. Only the webinar room host can eject him from the speaker role.

This is a useful functionality if someone from the audience wants to share their story or a personal experience.

Call-to-Action after the Webinar

The follow-up e-mail after the webinar is where you can send your webinar replay, additional information and your call-to-action.

Webinar Replay Mimics the Live Experience

This isn’t just a replay video. 

This is „Replica Replay“ as Webinarjam calls it. 

It means all the live events – polls, chats, questions, offers and purchases will be recorded and shown exactly as they happened during the live event.

So, everyone who missed the live webinar will have a very similar experience when they watch the replay. 

Most other webinar platforms only have a static video as a replay. With this WebinarJam review, we’ve discovered a unique feature that give a live-like experience to your replay attendees. 

Make sure you always turn in on in the webinar setup. Once you do, you can see all your past webinars as well. 

However, some attendees have noticed around 10 second lag for showing polls during the webinar reply.

On average, 1/3 of your registrants will only watch the replay instead of the live webinar.

Knowing that Q&A is such an important part, you don’t want to leave them all by themselves.

WebinarJam lets them ask questions as well during the webinar replay. You’ll receive an e-mail instantly.

Powerful Analytics and 3rd Party Tracking

This WebinarJam review will uncover one of the most robust and powerful webinar analytics there is. 

The easy-to-understand built-in analytics dashboard covers:

  • Basic webinar conversion flow
  • Landing Page split test results
  • E-mail open rates and registration rates
  • Engagement and attendee statistics during live webinar
  • Attendee statistics during webinar replay
  • Monetization statistics
WebinarJam Analytics
WebinarJam Analytics

The WebinarJam analytics also have stats for your audience connectivity quality.

This means you can monitor how good a connection your attendees are experiencing real-time.

For advanced marketers, you can inject a Facebook Pixel or Google Analytics tracking code or Google Ads remarketing code and apply:

  • Registration page tracking
  • Registration form tracking
  • Post-registration Thank You page tracking
  • Webinar live room tracking
  • Replay page tracking

Retargeting is a powerful marketing tool if used correctly. For example, you can:

  • Show webinar call-to-action on Facebook for people who visited the webinar registration pages, but didn’t register
  • Re-target webinar attendees who saw your offer and stayed until the end (high intent attendees)
  • Show webinar replay call-to-action to everyone who signed up, but didn’t attend the webinar
  • Any kind of retargeting you can imagine with Google Ads and Facebook Ads…

Read more about WebinarJam tracking pixels

WebinarJam Pricing – Annual Only

There are 3 price packages.

All the WebinarJam pricing packages only have annual subscription plans. This could be a show-stopper for some people on a tight budget. 

WebinarJam pricing
WebinarJam annual plans

My WebinarJam review considers the rigid pricing to be one of the biggest downsides. 

Most of the functionality is the same across all packages, so you’ll get to enjoy a whole plethora of features even with the Basic Plan.

I recommend starting with the Basic Plan. You can always upgrade if your needs grow.

Yes, you can cancel any time you want. If you cancel within 30 days you’ll get a full refund.

Downsides of WebinarJam

There are some cons I want to point out for this WebinarJam review. 

You should definitely consider these downsides before subscribing to WebinarJam: 

  • Only annual subscription plans (no monthly plans). See WebinarJam pricing
  • No custom fields on webinar registration forms. Have to use Thank You page survery for that. 
  • Sometimes it just keeps loading and I have to log out and log in again. When this happens I have to redo some configurations. 
    Pre-configured polls and offers appear instantly, while the video and slides are have a 13-second delay. 
  • Customer Support could be faster and more responsive
  • No automated webinars. Have to upgrade to EverWebinar for that

It’s important to note that WebinarJam does not cover every possible need.

Don’t use WebinarJam in these cases:

  • If you only want to host company meetings or group calls
  • If you want to create automated webinars. Upgrade to EverWebinar for that
  • If you don’t really care about engagement features, communication, brand perception or product sales

If you’re not using webinars to sell a product, a service or a course, then all of the WebinarJam features don’t matter that much to you.

In that case, you’re probably better off using Youtube Live for streaming or Google Hangouts to host your webinars for free.

However, if you really care about maximizing your audience size and engagement, effectively communicating your message and ultimately driving sales, then I recommend you go with a professional webinar software.

WebinarJam Review Conclusion & Free Trial

To summarize the WebinarJam review, I honestly believe that WebinarJam perhaps the best webinar software available if you’re looking to regularly host webinars. The outstanding or unique features include:

  • Super customizable webinar funnels and templates
  • Robust email editor and audience segmentation tools
  • Audience interaction tools that capture the attendee attention
  • Webinar landing Page A/B testing and detailed analytics

You should give this webinar platform a try.  

When you sign up with this link, you’ll get a 14-day trial for just $1.

Even then you’ll have 30 days to get a full refund. 

Get the 14-day WebinarJam trial here

Vanel Sylvestre

I am Vanel Sylvestre , welcome to my world, i am a real estate investor, business owner and also i am an affiliate marketer with over 10 years of experience in online marketing i have been making thousands Online Using Online Marketing Tools. In This blog We share some online marketing tools that can help you grow your business, if this is something you are interested in, one more time welcome to my world.

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