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How to Start a WordPress Blog

How to Start a WordPress Blog  In 2024

Embarking on the thrilling journey of launching a WordPress blog is akin to setting sail on uncharted waters. Picture a solitary computer perched on a desk, a mere vessel for the digital odyssey that awaits.

Allow me to regale you with the tale of Tried and True Mom Jobs, a digital haven birthed without a hint of prior wisdom on site creation or its intricacies. A symphony of self-taught prowess echoes through this narrative, for if I, a humble navigator of the web, could navigate these depths, rest assured, dear reader, so can you.

In response to the clamorous requests echoing through the digital realm, I present to you the enigmatic steps, the liberating resources, and the arcane art of sculpting a triumphant blog. Venture forth, for this post conceals treasures in the form of affiliate links—a modest commission to guide you on your quest.

How to Start a WordPress Blog for Beginners

Step 1: Decide what to blog about

In the vast blogosphere, passion becomes the North Star. My fervor for empowering mothers to dwell within the nurturing embrace of home, while still wielding the economic scepter, birthed my virtual sanctuary. Scrivs from unveils the sacred seven niches: Money Mastery, Financial Zen, Physical Flourish, Epicurean Chronicles, Sartorial Elegance, Lifescape Chronicles, and Selfhood Unveiled. A video oracle awaits, unraveling the intricacies of niche selection.

Quick Query: Are you privy to our email missives? Unlock the secrets of my six-figure blog blueprint, ensuring perennial riches. Subscribe here.

Step 2: Choose a Domain Name

Choose thy domain with the gravity befitting a celestial body. A name, both mellifluous and mnemonic, must dance off tongues with ease. The paragon of simplicity reigns supreme—easy pronunciation, concise, and unforgettable. Seek the oracle of Namecheap for domain divination. Ere the domain coronation, forge thy presence on Tik Tok, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook. Guard thy name, for the digital tapestry beckons.

Nota Bene: In the visual saga of starting a WordPress website, my step-by-step video in Step #4 illuminates the arcane art of domain acquisition.

Step 4: Find a Theme (aka Template)

Behold, the digital landlord beckons. Web hosting, the rent for your virtual abode, awaits. An evolving tale unfolds—from Bluehost to SiteGround, a crescendo met with the grandeur of BigScoots. Graphs chart the ascension from 19.4k page views to a monthly hymn of over 200,000. Begin your overture with SiteGround’s opulent 75% Off annual shared hosting plans.

A tutorial chronicle unfurls, guiding novices through the initiation rites with SiteGround.

The Astra theme, an artisanal tapestry woven freely for my site. A pilgrimage through my tutorial reveals the alchemy of crafting a WordPress wonder without fiscal sacrifice. The conclave of Elementor themes, a symphony of freedom, beckons exploration.

Step 5:  Install Your Theme

Witness the arcane dance in the video realm above. As your theme descends upon your digital canvas, the quill beckons—the epoch of writing begins.

Step 6: Change your Permalinks Settings – DO NOT SKIP THIS STEP

Before your prose graces the digital stage, configure thy permalinks. In the sanctum of Settings -> Permalinks, anoint “Post name” and preserve the changes. The liturgy dictates: let your permalink mirror the keyword, an SEO waltz with the search engine spirits.

Step 7: Set up your email

Shed the mundane email husks— and Embrace your domain name as the herald of correspondence. The marriage of website and email, an allegorical union, graces the sanctum of Gmail. The litany of tips cascades, a prelude to your blog’s grand overture.

More Tips to Get You Going Before You Launch Your Blog:

  • Instagram’s siren song beckons, a behind-the-scenes revelation awaits followers.
  • Guard your secrets until the unveiling; a cocoon of creativity thrives in the hushed incubation.
  • Paragraphs, akin to literary amuse-bouches, demand brevity; let not your readers drown in a sea of text.
  • The mobile gazer awaits—immerse yourself in the mobile echo of your prose.
  • The primacy of the reader’s throne, an unyielding query—have you satisfied their insatiable curiosity?

Forge forth, monetize with the alchemy of affiliates, ads, and sponsorships. Etch a privacy policy in your digital constitution. Enlist Google Analytics as your vigilant sentry. The symbiosis with graphic sorcery—Fiverr and Tailor Brands weave the visual tapestry.

The gratis tools, a digital arsenal for sovereign site management:

  • A mosaic of imagery from pexels, unsplash, stocksnap, and pixabay.
  • The SEO sage—Yoast.
  • The social minstrel—Sassy Social Share.
  • Email orchestration—Mailerlite.
  • Artistry in Canva and Microsoft PowerPoint.
  • Grammar’s vigilant custodian—Grammarly.
  • The sentinel against broken links—a plugin savior.

Post-site birthright—baptize your creation in Google Search Console’s font of recognition.

Unveiling the Climax: Bask in the 6-figure blog ballet. SEO disciples, heed the siren call—subscribe to unearth the clandestine stratagems. Witness the money-making pas de deux in the digital masquerade.

The denouement arrives—witness the joyous creation, for in the digital atelier, I await your queries. Pop a missive in the comments, and together, we shall traverse the digital cosmos.

Vanel Sylvestre

I am Vanel Sylvestre , welcome to my world, i am a real estate investor, business owner and also i am an affiliate marketer with over 10 years of experience in online marketing i have been making thousands Online Using Online Marketing Tools. In This blog We share some online marketing tools that can help you grow your business, if this is something you are interested in, one more time welcome to my world.

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